Thursday, September 22, 2011

Postcards to My Mom

I didn't have time to "blog" much yesterday (okay, I did but I don't like what I wrote so I'm still working on it) but I spent all evening re-reading some postcards my mom sent me last year that she had saved for more than thirty years.  I had written them to her, trying to have something in her mailbox each day for about a year. My dad died that year and she had said "The loneliest thing is an empty mailbox."

I am going into a busy season, with yard clean-up, company coming from New Hampshire (anyone who wants to come help me clean house is welcome. I love my sister-in-law but she is always so clean!) and we will be spending a week baby--no make that kid-sitting in Edmond.  Anyway, for the next few weeks I will let you in on life at the Carey's when the little boys who eventually made me into a grandma were busy making my life...umm, interesting.  These would have been written around 1978-79. Jake was about three, Josh around five. You will see why I now have grey hair.


Dear Mom,

I didn't get up before Jake to have my Quiet Time and I was so thankful he stayed in the kitchen and didn't bother me.  Well, I just came in and found that he has put six 13 cent stamps {equivalent to 49 in 2016] all over a bill Dennis had left for me to mail, covering up most of the address.  The he said "See what I did for you?  Say 'Thank you'."

Every time I tell him not to do something he says "My dad said I could!"  Outrageous things like stick a soda bottle down his throat or eat dog food.  He's not too smart about it though.  Sometimes he says it in front of Dennis. He acts like he feels fine (from a cold) today, too fine.  He's wild.

Dear Mom,

Jake is really keeping me entertained today.  This morning it was raining quite hard and he said there is a "heavenly hose up there doing that."  Later I called him for something and he said "You can call me Son."

Now he is eating lunch: Popcorn. And he's eating it with a spoon.  He also wanted soda with "too much ice in it."  I wanted him to eat a little more than popcorn so I fixed him a hot dog.  He said he is going to save that for me.

I know I don't have to say this, (but that's never stopped me before) but hug your kids really tight today.  It is absolutely amazing how fast they will be gone.  Which reminds me of one of my embarrassing moments that you all seem to sadistically enjoy:

While sitting with Jerilyn, waiting for Josh's plane to come in once, she was joined by a friend, the wife of Josh's college professor who was on the same flight. I felt the need to impress her, of course.  The subject of disciplining children came up and I, being the older, wiser, more experienced parent of children who had grown into fabulously successful adults, made the final pronouncement on the subject.  "The most important thing," I intoned, sagely, "is that you have to pick your no's."

I'm not sure how impressed the professor's wife was, but Jerilyn has never forgotten it.

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