Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Exercise Caution

Whew! I just finished 10K! What a workout!

Okay, it was on a bike. Yes, a recumbent bike (what's with those little bitty seats on a regular bike, anyway? There is no human behind in the world that would be comfortable on that little thing!) And it was an air-conditioned gym---and I read a book while doing it.  But I did sweat a whole, whole lot. I'm sure sweating is indicative of how much you have suffered.

It seems half the people on Facebook are runners these days and they act like they like it. I'm not sure though. I've never seen anybody smiling while running; they kind of grimace, in fact.  And they are red-faced. Do they look like they are having fun?

It's not that I have anything against exercising. About twenty years ago I even went to an aerobics class. Once. They wanted everybody to be doing the same thing at the same time like Rockettes or something. And then the leader said "Turn to the left" only I turned to the right and ran smack into my friend, Arlene. At the end, (after sweating a lot, so I must have suffered), they wanted you to grab your throat and count your heartbeat while walking around to cool off. I got kind of scared till I realized I was counting my footsteps instead of my pulse.

I did wind up taking a smaller exercise class at our church later, though. There were only five or six of us so there wasn't too much danger of collision and I got into it so much that I even bought a leotard and matching tights. (I told you this was years ago!) They were royal blue and I would put them on at home and throw a pair of jeans over them till I got to the class. I looked very athletic.

Well, there was that one time when I got ready to leave for the class, late as usual, and there was a hole about the size of a quarter in my tights. Not to worry. I had a blue magic marker just the right color. But when I got to the class I had to use the restroom and when I tried to put the tights back on I couldn't match up the hole with the blue spot on my leg, so then I had a hole in my tights anyway as well as a big blue spot. I can't remember what happened to that class.  It didn't last much longer, as I recall.

So, I'm kind of proud that I've been riding the bike.  It is very high-tech and tells you how far you have gone, your heart rate (no counting on my part) and even how many calories you have used.  Calories used for 10K: equivalent to the calories in a McDonalds' small ice cream cone.

To speed things up, they have an elevator at that church gym where we go. It seems a shame not to use it. And I can wear anything I want.

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