Friday, July 15, 2011

White Car Nation

I don't know this for a fact, but I'm pretty sure that when it comes to car colors, 50% of all cars are painted white and the other 50% is divided among all the other colors out there.  Look around next time you are out. Five cars coming through the green light, three white, one blue or something and the next one white. If there is a blue one at all. White cars, white trucks, white vans in front of McDonalds. Even used car lots look like the Blizzard of '09. Come on, people. Have some imagination!

I have never really cared for the color white in cars, even though Dennis happily had one for quite awhile. Maybe if I got to choose I would have purple!  A lovely shade of green would be nice, or a midnight blue. Alas, we have always gotten whatever color was on the car that was the best deal at the time and I have yet to get to choose a color. I only said, no matter what, don't get white.

I've had red a few times, once with faux wood-grain on the sides. Green once. And blue a long, long time ago.  (It was a tiny Fiat Spider convertible and we drove it all the way to Canada and once some women saw us sitting at a stop-light and one said "Can you believe the size of those people in that little car!!!---but that's another blog.)

A few years ago the red mini-van that we had was coming to the end of it's natural life when there was a mercy killing by a brick mailbox and the insurance company totaled it. We were forced to find something else quickly. I prayed that the Lord would provide and the very next week there was an ad in our small Broken Arrow paper for a minivan being sold by owner. The only car in the paper.  We called.  It seemed the perfect car, right mileage, right price. We went to see it. You guessed it.  White.  And here we are with a white minivan in our garage.  A lot of people say they like white because it is easier to keep clean. HA!  Have you seen my car?

With so many cars looking like mine where ever you go I'm kind of afraid of getting into the wrong one. Back when people didn't lock their cars as much and nobody had remote locks, I once picked Jake up at Mothers' Day out and hurried him out to the parking lot. He said "Mama, this isn't our car." and I said, "Jake, just get in the car." So he did and I did but when I looked around there seemed to be a problem.  The interior of that car was very clean.  No wonder Jake didn't feel right about getting into it.  We backed  out of it. There was a lady standing there watching us, obviously a clean-freak, and she was not smiling. I just waved as we got into the other red van with the fake wood trim and drove off.

The first week we drove our new-to-us white van to church the row I parked in had---I am not making this up---seven white cars in a line, most of them minivans or small SUVs.  Thank goodness I had the key fob that turns on the parking lights when you push it or I'd still be looking for the right one.  Now, when I'm coming out of Wal-Mart to a sea of white cars, I push the button that raises the back gate & head toward that car. I hope no one else gets that idea.

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