Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Was I Saying?

I had a really great name for this particular blog.  I thought of it in the night, but now I've forgotten it. There is a notepad on my night table and even a flashlight so I can sit up and write something down as soon as I think of it without even turning on the light. But somehow, whenever I think of things in the night, they are so profound and impressed on my brain so strongly that I know I will remember them without even bothering to write them down. Except for in the morning, of course, when the only thing I can remember is that I am trying to remember something.

I know that other people forget things all the time and it's not just age related. I'm not the only person who went out to eat at a really great restaurant when her children were little and remembered during the salad that she had forgotten to feed the kids before she left. I was in my thirties when I did that. I mean, every body does those kinds of things, don't they?  Everybody forgets an appointment now and again, or that she bought groceries three days ago and some of them are still in the trunk, right?

What I'm frustrated about are the things I do on a daily basis, like, okay, this is kind of gross, but you know how when you are trying to go to sleep and your sinuses fill up on one side of your head so you have to turn over so they will drain to the other side?  I always forget which side I'm supposed to lay my head to get it to drain right: the side where I can breathe so it drains away, or the side that is stuffed up?  Not only every single night when I go to bed but even if I get up in the night for one reason or another, I have to stop and think before I lay back down.  Ridiculous!

And every day when we watch Jeopardy, (We're mostly retired.  It's a law, I think, for old people to watch Jeopardy) they introduce the contestants and say what their occupations are. I like to remember what that is because sometimes you can predict how well they will do on specific categories. These kind of things are important to old people, you'll see when you get there. Anyway, not one day goes by that I can remember what the doggone occupation is of any of them----including the dude that has been winning for four days and they have said it every day at the beginning of the show----past the first three questions!  I tell myself as they are saying their names. "This time I am going to remember." But I don't. Do you know how aggravating this is?  Every single day!

Everybody I know goes into a room and forgets what they went there for. That's no big deal.  It's the going into the room, getting what I came for, then going back, sitting down and forgetting to use whatever it is that I got that really annoys me. The grand kids were watching "Finding Nemo" again the other day (see, I can remember that!) and I could identify more and more with Dorie, the fish that has short-term memory loss.  I'm beginning to think that I may need to pare my vocabulary down, so that I don't start using a compound word like, say, loincloth or stouthearted and forget what I was saying half way through and leave someone with the wrong impression.

About a year ago Dennis was after me to get a CAT scan of my brain because he thought I was getting Alzheimer's or something. I mean, please!  This is the guy who says to me, "Who is Judi Dench?"  And I immediately remember that she is that British gal who has a really short hair-cut and played "M" in the last few James Bond movies. Can he remember why he wanted to know who Judi Dench was, anyway?  Of course not. Besides, I read that with Alzheimer's it's not that you can't find your keys, it's if you forget what you are supposed to do with your keys when you find them.  I'm not there yet. I don't even usually lose my keys now. The car, that's another story, (There are so darn many white mini-vans out there these days!) but I do know what to do with it when I find it.

I can remember lots of details about when I was a kid and who was in my class and how I was the teacher's pet and one time some kid took my test paper and put his name on it and the teacher recognized my printing anyway, stupid kid, and his name was Allen and.....Well, anyway, that was then this is now.

What I'm trying to remember today is: didn't I write a blog on this subject already?

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