Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We have two daughters-in-law whom we love dearly. (Most of the time. No, really, we do. All the time. Okay, we have our moments) I would say we got lucky but since we started praying for them the day each of our sons was born, I'm sure it was not luck that brought this about. Had Dennis and I been choosing them ourselves I don't think we could have done better, although our sons did not give us that option. (Not that I didn't make strong suggestions.)

They are both beautiful young women but here is the difference between them: Shoes. One wears them, the other doesn't. I suspect that Jerilyn goes to bed with her really good tennis shoes on because I have almost never seen her without them, except when she is wearing really good dress shoes.

Robyn, on the other hand, is hard pressed to keep her shoes on in a blizzard.  She will compromise by wearing flip-flops when shoes are absolutely required.  A few years ago for Christmas she asked for, and got, a pair of flip-flops with interchangeable straps that could be swapped out for different looks, dressing them up or down. There are pearls on one of the sets of straps for the dressing up part.

 Jerilyn likes antique furniture and classical music.  Robyn, country music and the kind of furniture that will accommodate the Great Dane at her house. Cloth napkins for Jerilyn, paper towels for Robyn. Robyn makes lists and schedules. Jerilyn will follow lists and schedules but she doesn't want to make them.

Robyn survived teaching in an inner-city school where she was called on to break up fights daily and bore the bruises to prove it.  Jerilyn will do anything to avoid confrontation.  Jerilyn survived having to drive herself to the ER, carrying her toddler, during a gall bladder attack when Josh was on call and couldn't leave. (I don't think she even called him.)  Robyn was lucky enough to get the husband who will wait on her when she's sick and now her daughters will too. Even her mother-in-law will do what she can. (I did. Really, when the kids were little, I took them.  Don't you remember?)

And here is what's the same:  They are both godly young women who put the Lord first in their lives, then their families. They make my sons happy. And, oh, yeah. Between them they have given me four beautiful, brilliant, stupendous grandkids.  What more could I ask for? (Insert Mother-In-Law joke here)

Okay, I could ask for a pair of slippers.  I don't do barefoot, but slippers whenever I'm in the house (and sometimes out) instead of shoes seem perfect to me.  Midway between the two, I'd say.

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