Friday, September 16, 2011

One of Those Days

It should have been a clue when I was getting dressed this morning and it was really hard to get my pants on and I knew for once I really haven't gained that much weight but then when I went to put my phone in my pocket and the pocket was facing the wrong way and I realized I had put them on backwards. But I didn't have that much time to keep changing clothes because I had spent the last half hour searching for my glass of Diet Coke (okay, you have your coffee in the morning, I have my own way to get caffeine) and finally gave up and decided to get my Diet Coke at QT on the way out and then everything was on RUSH.  I should have just taken some Tylenol and gone back to bed at that point.

I got Dennis to work and he wasn't all that late and then ran into the store for groceries and Miranda's birthday present and then to the church gym to ride the bike but there was someone there letting her four grandkids play on the exercise equipment right under the sign that said "No one under eighteen years of age allowed on exercise equipment."  I didn't even get up to 5K so I could brag to Dennis when I gave up and quit because I had to keep stopping to avoid the little girl who kept running in front of my pedals.  I decided to just go home, take some Tylenol and go back to  bed.

So I headed on home and when I pulled onto our street and saw everybody's trash still out (no good stuff, though) I remembered I hadn't put out the trash, but  thought "I got lucky.  I can get the trash out before the trucks get here." and I ran in and dumped the contents of the stinky kitty litter box into the trash bag so I could  get it to the street before the trucks and then wash out the litter box. And I made it! Things were looking up. Except for that part where I got my jacket stuck between the trash can and the new trash bag when I was trying to fit it around that stubborn rim. And I really should have checked to be sure there was more kitty litter before I dumped  the box and there was nothing to refill it with. And the cat was looking at the box meaningfully.

So instead of going back to bed with someTylenol I had to run up to Sam's (they have the 42 pound kitty litter there) Well, they had toilet paper on sale too so I got that but when I got back home the garage door opener wouldn't work no matter how much I pushed the button until I realized I was pushing the button to open the back car door  instead of the button on the garage door opener.  And, guess what! I got the "Ultra-Strong" toilet paper instead of the "Ultra-Soft" and I will have to use up 64 rolls before I replace it. As soon as I finished complaining to you I was definitely going to take some Tylenol and go back to bed!

Except then I realized I got the groceries and forgot to get Miranda's birthday present. Her birthday is tomorrow. Instead of getting that Tylenol and going back to bed I had to leave early to pick up Dennis and go get her present. So, I got Zoo Doctor Barbie, gas, and Dennis from work. Finally, things went smoothly. Well, except for that almost hitting the gas pump thing and trying to get between the car and the pump to reach the handle and cleaning the whole side of the car with my backside. I think I'll just get out of these dirty jeans and into my pajamas so I can take a couple of Tylenol and go to bed.

P.S.  Thought you'd want to know:  When I got ready to go to bed tonight I found my glass of  Diet Coke in the medicine cabinet. Next to the Tylenol.

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