Wednesday, November 21, 2012

If The Shoe Fits...

Okay, who among you wears those crazy shoes that are as tall as the Eiffel Tower and cost about as much?

My curiosity got the better of me the other day at Marshall's and I pulled out my tape measure right there in the shoe department and checked to see how tall the heels were on a pair of....umm, lets call them...amazing, blue shoes I saw.  The heels were five inches tall and then there was an inch of platform under the toe box.  I guess they had to add that part in front or you would fall forward onto your face every time you tried to take a step.

I know I'm an old lady and I wear old lady shoes, so maybe I just don't get it, but....Why?  Not only are shoes like that impossible to walk in but they are ruining your feet in the long run, killing them in the short....walk. Or, make that stumble.  And here's a newsflash:  some of them make the wearer look like a hooker.  Sorry, but that's my humble, okay, not so humble, opinion.

So I went home and looked online.  I found some so tall that you would have to wear them like ballet point-shoes.  Can you imagine walking around on the tips of your big toes all day?  Do these look attractive to you?  Am I that out of it?

And guess what??  Tonight on the news I saw a report that some women are having surgery, their toes shortened or their pinkie toes REMOVED, to be able to wear their own personal torture chambers.  Are you kidding me???  Where is their self-esteem?  Where is their common sense?

Here is what I think, girls: The Emperor Has No Clothes!  Just because something is in fashion, just because something costs a whole month's pay, just because somebody says something is the latest "must have", does not make it beautiful.

Less than a century ago young Chinese girls were horribly deformed and crippled by foot binding because it was thought to make them beautiful.  Does that ring a bell?

Ladies, please!  Just walk away....if you can.

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