Saturday night was my favorite night of all the year. Make that: Sunday morning was my favorite morning. Well, not counting Christmas morning. It was Time Change Sunday. The Fall Back one, where you get an extra hour of sleep. (The Spring one is my least favorite day.) I always think I am going to lounge around in bed on Time Change Sunday, maybe even have time to eat breakfast before we leave for church, but the night before I kept thinking "Hey, I can finish this chapter, we get an extra hour's sleep tonight." And, "Just a few more minutes on Facebook. We get an extra hour sleep tonight." So by the time I got to bed it was more than an hour later than usual.
And then there was the changing of the clocks. Who knew we had so many clocks? It turns out we have a clock of some sort in every room including the bathrooms, and sometimes two. There are three in the kitchen when you count the wall clock, the microwave and the oven. The round clocks with hands (there's a word for them, but if I ever get on Jeopardy and it is one of the questions, I'll be losing money,) aren't too bad, although my fingers got kind of numb after turning and turning those little knobs in back. The computers and phones and even my alarm clock change by themselves, which is kind of spooky. Some year I'm going to stay up until---is it one a.m. that they are supposed to change?---and watch to see what happens.
It's the digital clocks, the ones that are supposed to be so easy, that take me forever. On my husband's alarm clock you have to hold down one button for "hour" and push another button through all the numbers till you get to the right one, but of course I pass it and have to go around again, which is why, especially in the fall when you have to keep going, like, eleven hours, it takes forever. Then you have to do the same thing with the "minute" button.
The oven and the microwave clock, digital, of course, drive me craziest. That is, if you don't count the fact that I keep thinking about the electronic ones changing by themselves and what other stuff are they doing in there that I don't know about and how much do they know about me anyway and----where was I? Oh, yeah. Trying to get those stupid numbers to match. The microwave is right on top of the oven so you can see both clocks at once, so first I change the one on the oven, but by the time I get the numbers right on it, then go to the microwave and push the "clock" button, hold it down while the numbers change, then push "clock" again. Then push "a.m. or p.m." (Who cares? They are the same numbers!) By then it is a minute later on the oven clock and I have to start over on one of them. They have to match or I can't stand it.
Don't let me get started on the clock in the dashboard of the car. Every six months I go through the whole house on Saturday night changing all the clocks, then the next morning when we get in the car to go to church, the time is wrong. And stays wrong for about a week. Who can find those teeny-tiny buttons to change that thing anyway? I am always tempted to try to do it while I'm driving which, safety-wise, would make texting and driving seem like being parked. It takes an ink pen, or an ice pick, or a little person with fingers the size of toothpicks.
By the time I had finished with all the clocks I was exhausted and really needing that extra hour although I had already wasted it resetting clocks. But at least I went to bed knowing I was going to get to sleep till it was daylight.
Except I forgot to tell the dog about the time change.
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